
Which way does the West Wind blow?
Are you named for where you come from
or known for where you go?

Do you sometimes get stuck?
It's okay. I know.
What unsticks you? How does that go?

Can we scale it?
The scales sail it
(suddenly reptilian cloths
sail ships up rivers
backdropped by that f# minor
scaling piano keys
the flow that plants the seeds
down the mountain)

Which way does the East wind blow?
Do you pin yourself down
or go with the flow?

Do you sometimes get stuck?
It's okay. I know.
Sometimes it helps to bring out the row

The oars, the push
the chores, the rush,
the floors, the brush
the chords, the gush
of my heart
over scales
arms wrapped tight around my torso
against the wind scaling

The winds of beginnings--
which way do they blow?

It's okay. I know.

Katie Bierach